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The Lord spoke very clearly to me (Clay) back in 1999 while on the campus of Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas (yes, it’s a real town) that His desire for me was to spend my life for the sake of His Kingdom in Asia. After months of saying “no” and trying to ignore His voice by waiting it out, He used the famous passage from Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.” I finally said “Ok, if that’s really what you want for me, then I’m willing.” and everything changed. After I graduated, I moved to Taichung, Taiwan and lived there for 3 years introducing people to Jesus and making disciples. Rhonda and I served on the same team in Taiwan (prior to that she was in Poland) after she also heard from the Lord that her life would be spent overseas for His Kingdom. 1999年,在阿肯色州Arkadelphia的Ouachita Baptist大學校園(是的,真的有這個小鎮),天父對我(唐宏恩)說得非常清楚,祂對我的渴望就是我要在亞洲為祂的天國而活。經過幾個月的說“不”並試圖忽略祂的聲音認為時間久了應該就沒事了。天父透過耶利米書29:11的著名經文跟我說,”耶和華說:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望 。” 我終於說 “好,如果這真的是你想要的,那我願意。” 之後一切都改變了。畢業後,我搬到台中台灣住了三年,向人分享耶穌,帶門徒。 Rhonda (我老婆)和我在台灣的同一個團隊服務(之前她在波蘭)之後,她也從主那裡聽說她的生命將在海外為祂的天國而活。

After those 3 years I moved back to the States and out to Greenville, SC where Rhonda is from. We married in 2007 and now have 3 beautiful princesses: Charis Elianah, Meili Rhema, and Liliana Aria, and are really excited about what the Lord has in store for us in this journey! 在這3年之後,我搬回了美國,然後去了Rhonda來自南卡羅來納州格林維爾。我們在2007年結婚,現在有3位美麗的公主:Charis Elianah,Meili Rhema和Liliana Aria,並且對天父為我們所預備的事情感到非常興奮!

We know that the Lord has great plans and we are honored to play a part. This is not just our story, however. We know that many others are also essential to see this Kingdom vision come to pass. We would love for you to join us on this adventure by visiting, praying, and/or giving. 我們知道主有很好的計劃,我們很榮幸能夠參與其中。然而,這不僅僅是我們的故事。我們知道,許多人也是看到這個天國願景成真的重要部分。我們很樂意希望你們藉由認識我們,為我們代禱或奉獻來加入我們的事工。